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UPS Industry Records 5.7% Growth

The year 2012-2013 was a mixed year for the UPS industry. Some companies grew while others failed to do so. The industry netted revenues to the tune of INR 4653 crores. This is exclusively the end-user sales figure. However the over all industry revenue was estimated at INR 4853 crores. The reason why the total industry revenue is much higher then the actual end-user sales is because many a companies procure finished products from others & brand them as theirs, and our survey team gets the turnover from both, resulting in duplication. With nearly 354 companies responding to our survey, giving us the information we sought in great detail, knowing fully well how much the company has manufactured with excise paid. And also trying to find out, which companies procure finished products from others & brand them as theirs, an exercise which We have been doing only since last four years, we did all of it again to give continuity to the process.

Out of 354 companies responding only 181 companies were awarded with SD Ratings.

However most of companies are facing it difficult to match quarter to quarter sales of 11-12 in 12-13. We are sure the figure which we have arrived at i.e. the actual end-user sales revenue of has definitely crossed INR 4653.00 crore mark .

Growth wise it has not been a mixed year with some of the majors growing while others dipping.

Revenue-wise : This year 2012-13, the industry grew by 5.15% & revenues grew up to 4653 crores, a dip of over 6.6% over the last fiscal of 2011-2012. When it has grown by 7.34%.

Volume-wise : Industry grew by 18% over previous year in volume terms. This clearly indicates shrinking margins. Drops in revenues while increase in volume.

One must be clear in mind that this is a very good performance considering the stiff competition and the squeezed margins in view of hammering the companies got during the global economic meltdown & falling Indian Rupee.

Of the total revenue of 4653 crores, Online UPSs accounted for 93% while Offline / Line interactive UPSs accounted for nearly 5% while other products including Servos accounting for the rest. We have not included the Home UPS sales figure in this.

Out of 354 companies responding to survey we have awarded SD Ratings to 183 companies, whose client our team was able to get in touch with. We sent over 16000 direct mailers sent. The result of the survey are based on 9349 responses received to our elaborate questionnaire. The questionnaire in poll format was made available at :

Efforts were not limited here. Our executives visited nearly 277 installations across various locations through out India, and also over 763 installations were touched thru tele-calling. and did talk to customers who responded to our survey and were willing to talk to us. The results are gist of the above hard work.

Dr.Sai Krishnan

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